HEADLIGHT ADAPTERS Only $35.00 Adapts Ford headlight to original Chevy headlight stanchion
1934-35 Chevy standard headlight stanchions w/built in adapter when using Ford headlights Only $165.85
Headlight Stanchion Pads Only $21.00
Headlight Stands From $6.80 to $65.00
32 Ford Dropped Headlight Bar - USA - From $195.00 to $225.00
1932 Ford Headlight Bar Mounting Pads and Bolts From $4.45 to $21.85
Hi-Boy Headlight Stands - shock mount Only $76.80
1933-34 Dropped Headlight Stands From $6.10 to $60.00
1933-34 Ford Polished Headlight Stand Bolts Only $8.80
1933-34 Ford Headlight Stand Hadware From $5.50 to $6.10