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1934 Chevy sedan body/chassis Doug Dellinger (owner) "The Doc's Project"

From Outlaw Performance

Outlaw 1934 Chevy sedan body & chassis package.  Talk about each car having a story this one truly does.  Donnie Dellinger came to Outlaw to purchase this 34 Chevy sedan late 2003.  We gave him our usual tour that we give everyone.  He liked what he saw so we went to the office to make our deal.  We sat in the office kitchen for an hour or so Donnie placed the order with me then just before he was getting ready to leave he held my hand and said Barb this car is my dream car, I am dying and I would like to build my dream project before I pass on.  I have never been so touched, of all the customers in my life I think of this wonderful man often that came to little old me to fulfill a dream.

Sadly, Donnie passed in May of 2004 he did not get to finish the car.  His brother (Doug) took over the dream and made it a reality.  What a nice car for a first time builder.  What wonderful memories we have all shared.  They call the car "The Docs Project"  If you get to see it a show take a moment and read Doug's sign.  It will touch your heart as it has mine. 

Outlaw event date 3-3-04


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